Become a member and begin experiencing all the Webb Deane Stevens Museum has to offer.

Join other like-minded individuals who have chosen to support the Museum in a direct and meaningful way. Members enable the Museum to offer engaging educational programs, interactive exhibitions, and relevant community events for thousands of visitors each year. Members also receive special access to our collections and members-only discounts on select programs and shop merchandise.


Individual membership

Free unlimited house tours for one person, program discounts, invitations to special events, 10% discount on Museum shop purchases, and subscription to email newsletter.

senior membership

Free unlimited house tours for one person, program discounts, invitations to special events, 10% discount on Museum shop purchases, and subscription to email newsletter.

family membership

Free unlimited house tours for two (2) parents and their children 18 years and younger, program discounts, invitations to special events, 10% discount on Museum shop purchases, and subscription to email newsletter.

Contributing Membership

Immediate family unit of two (2) parents and their children 18 years and younger will enjoy all the Family membership benefits, plus free admission for house tours for up to four (4) guests, two (2) complimentary house tour passes to give to friends, co-workers, etc., and special “Members Only” tours.

Patron Membership

Immediate family unit of two (2) parents and their children 18 years and younger will enjoy all the Contributing membership benefits, plus four (4) complimentary house tour passes to give to friends, co-workers, etc., access by appointment to use the Museum’s reference library, and a 20% discount on Museum shop purchases.


For more information, contact
Renee Dumouchel
Director, Advancement & Communications
(860) 529-0612

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